Is it essential to choose the right safety and security for your events?
Sporting events, fairs, festivals, concerts, conferences, fundraisers, political campaigns, and exhibitions, by their very nature, draw crowds and may also be targeted for crimes such as theft, robbery, assault, and terrorism. Several recent criminal attacks have highlighted the importance of proper planning for event safety and security and the value of the quick emergency response. As crowds assemble and grow, these events become bigger targets. They also provide opportunities for special interest groups to demonstrate publicly.
The risk of injuries, property damage, or catastrophic attacks increases when there is poor event planning, management, crowd control, security, and ineffective emergency response. It is essential to tailor safety and security to the event and potential exposure. This series of topic-specific questions provide a framework for planning safety and security. A safety and security plan can be crafted based on the answers to these questions. It is not a complete list of all the factors to be taken into account. Depending on the size and nature of a particular event, additional safety and security measures may be needed. Further information and professional resources are available to you through TT-SEC Global who developed the ESS (Event Security Solution), an affordable, flexible, and secure turnkey solution for venues and event organizers. You have to note that Sponsors, vendors, patrons, and fans may not turn up to future events as a result of reputational damage if you did not hire professional event securit y solution company that has the international experience.
Identify the risks:
- The first step in creating a safety and security plan is defining the risks. Risk involves the possibility of
- harm as well as the likelihood that the harm will occur. The main problems that event owners face are:
- Personal Injury
- Damage to property
- Adverse business impacts, such as a loss of revenue
- A higher insurance premium due to lawsuits and claims
- Organizers cancel or delay events due to security threats.
- Security breaches by individuals accessing restricted areas
- The lack of adequate food, parking, toilet facilities, and traffic control can lead to patron
- dissatisfaction and escalation
Criteria for determining risks:
- Law enforcement sources typically consider eight specific criteria in determining the likelihood that an
- event will be targeted for criminal or other undesirable activity.
- These include:
- The size of the event
- Specific existing threats to the event or location
- The event’s historical, political, or symbolic significance
- The duration of the event
- The Location
- The cultural, political, and religious backgrounds of the patrons
- The nature and extent of media coverage
- The number and level of dignitaries or VIPs in attendance
- The likelihood of a criminal attack increases as the number of factors contributing to it
- increases, as well as the potential for catastrophic injuries, property damage, and business
- losses.
In order to determine what threats may exist and develop effective prevention plans, pre-event planning must begin well in advance of the event date. Proper planning often takes months. It is important to include key partners such as private security firms, law enforcement agencies, fire departments, emergency medical services (EMS), transportation departments, health agencies, vendors, and business groups participating in the event in the planning process. To effectively manage an emergency, a clear leadership structure, clearly defined responsibilities, and clear communication must be in place between all partners. There may be a need for assistance from several agencies even when one is clearly leading and supplying most resources. TT-SEC Global systems will allow security services and organizers to efficiently manage, monitor and collect all the necessary data of applicants for any major event.
ESS also allows for the monitoring of movements inside the venue. The system can be tailor-made to be self-managed, or as part of a turnkey solution service. ESS is flexible and scalable to accommodate any type of event, making it the ideal solution regardless of the size of the type of event.